Home Fitness Progression

Home Fitness Progression

Are you like 99% of Americans who are unsure of how to safely progress your exercise and fitness routine? Have you completed your physical therapy program and now struggling with the “what next”? Perhaps you are no longer having pain but you’d just like to stay on track of your health and wellness. Or you never had to have physical therapy but you feel like you could benefit from a more specialized approach to maintaining your fitness needs. iMove PT has a program called the Home Fitness Progression that brings a physical therapist into your home to help you make the most of your fitness, health, and wellness. This will be a one on one, once a month, 60 minute visit in your own home! Your therapist will instruct and guide you with exercises that are specifically tailored to your needs. They will educate you on progression and provide helpful tips to maintain motivation and the know-how needed to take your fitness into your own hands, while still having a monthly visit to ensure things are (pun intended) working out!
fitness progression
fitness progression