Mobile Physical Therapy

Breaking the traditional clinic structure

Our mobile physical therapy practice can do more than the classic physical therapy clinic. By breaking beyond the limitations of a four-walled building, we are able to use unique and innovative practices that help you reach your goals and get back to the life you want to live…all while in the comfort, convenience, and safety of your own home!

You will not miss out on any of the benefits of physical therapy by receiving care in your home! Actually, our hands on approach is best performed in the privacy of your own home, free of any distractions!

Our clinic can be anywhere

From your home living room, to the golf course, and even to the the playing field our mobile practice allows us to use innovative practices and think outside the box, ultimately helping you get back to your daily activities faster, healthier and stronger than before.  

I sought Mike’s services when my chronic back pain flared up, again. I have previously done PT many times on and off with multiple different physical therapists in multiple locations. The one thing they all had in common, was they were in a typical physical therapy office, with multiple therapists, multiple aides and assistants, and a lot going on.

I didn’t realize until I started seeing Mike one on one for an hour, that all my other appointments lacked focus. And, Mike did a great job of looking at my entire spine, not just the one area where I was having pain. I have noticed that as we worked on my lower back, and it began to calm down and get stronger, that now it was my upper back giving me grief. Mike didn’t miss a beat, and we transitioned upwards and strengthened that area as well. While my back is not perfect, since I had multiple back fusions already, perfection is not in the cards, it is so much better.

And, as a result of this therapy, I have learned a great deal about my own posture and how significantly that effects so much of my back. So, I do my exercises, tailored to me and my home, and I focus on posture, and I am grateful for Mike.   

Regina P.

Medicare Part B

  • Annual Deductible: All Medicare patients have an annual deductible. If the deductible (in 2021 the deductible amount is $203) is not met before starting care with iMove PT then you will be responsible for the deductible or the balance of the deductible.


  • Secondary Insurance: Medicare pays 80% of yor physical therapy claim and your secondary insurance picks up the remaining 20%. There is a rare situation in which a secondary insurance does not reimburse iMove PT. If the secondary insurance denies your claim (again, extremely rare), then you would be responsible for the 20%. We estimate the 20% to be in the $20-$25/visit range.

Out of Network/Cash Pay Patients

In order to provide our patients with the level of care they deserve, iMove PT is out of network for all insurances besides Medicare Part B.

  • All mobile visits are 60 minutes of 1 on 1 treatment.
  • The cost for a 60 minute visit with an iMove PT physical therapist is $150.
  • We will provide you with your therapist’s documentation and a copy of your paid invoice.
  • You have the option to submit these items to your insurance company for potential out of network reimbursement.

We have a special expertise helping golfers in pain alleviate
their ailments so they can enjoy the game they love.