You may have been thinking over the last four months, “What in the world has happened to iMove TelePT?” All the iMove TelePT Facebook Lives, Facebook posts, blogs, all the fun…poof, gone. Well we’ve been undergoing a little bit of a transition… A transition we are so excited to now announce to the world!

iMove TelePT has now transitioned to iMove PT! At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we not only realized the value of telehealth, but we also realized the importance and need for a mobile physical therapy practice. iMove PT now treats patients 1 on 1 in the privacy, safety, and convenience of their own home. As a long time outpatient physical therapist I wanted the ability to focus solely on the patient I was treating, free from distractions that unfortunately are a part of any office setting.

As I began the transition to a mobile physical therapy practice, I was determined to ensure each and every patient had a very thorough physical therapy visit. Each visit is truly designed to reach the goals of each individual patient. I did not want to come into your home and do basic treatment while you were lying in bed or sitting in a chair. I wanted you to have the full value of a detailed physical therapy examination, followed up with a specific treatment plan designed just for you!

Finally, after countless hours of research and preparation, iMove PT was born.

Wow, the reception by the St. Louis region has been amazing! Regardless of the condition or diagnoses, patients that have reached out have been thrilled to hear that an experienced physical therapist will come directly to their door. Now more than ever, if you find a person who comes into the privacy, safety, and convenience of your home and provides an optimal experience, why would you choose to not take advantage of that? 

For the last several months, as I’ve been driving around, I noticed a mobile pet grooming company. Pet owners are delighted to have their pets taken care of right outside their front door. Not only does this save the owner travel time but also removes anxiety from their pet by not having to leave their home.

Even though I love dogs, you didn’t read this blog to read about dogs! But… you must know that if I come to your home, and you have a dog, I will shower your dog with love and affection! I digress, now back to iMove PT!

Please don’t worry, your treatment with iMove PT will be just as thorough as you would receive from any outpatient physical therapy clinic. We bring all the equipment needed to you. This includes a treatment table, portable pulley, and any other equipment needed to safely and efficiently reach your goals! Whatever your specific physical needs are, we are able to accommodate.

Earlier in this blog I did mention the pandemic. We want all of our patients to be comfortable with our physical therapists entering their home. I am happy to say that all of our therapists are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 

Even though we are now vaccinated, we will continue to wear a mask in your house as we follow the CDC guidelines. Our treatment table and any equipment we use will be sanitized before and after your treatment. We will continue to use impeccable hand washing to ensure your safety. And if any of our therapists are not feeling well, including having a fever, we will call you to reschedule your appointment. iMove PT will never put any of our patients at risk.

Now that we have the elephant in the room out of the way, let’s get back to iMove PT.

Since it has been a while since we last talked, you may have forgotten what a physical therapist actually does. No worries! Life is crazy busy and we all need reminders. There are far too many physical issues that we treat to list in this blog. However, if you or someone you know has any pain, restriction in movement, loss of strength, loss of balance, decreased walking ability, or dizziness we are here to help.

There is no way that I can do this alone. I want to thank the physical therapists who have joined the iMove PT team! We reach out to all parts of St. Louis, St. Charles, and now the Metro East region of Illinois. 

Over the next few weeks you will learn more about the fantastic physical therapist team of iMove PT. Our specialists truly are patient focused, treating only one patient at a time, free from any distractions that would impact your care.

Thank you iMove TelePT community for hanging with me over the last four months. I apologize for not reaching out sooner. But… as you now know, I have been very busy creating something special for you and for all future members of the iMove PT community.

We are looking forward to sharing great health and wellness tips to allow all of you to achieve your optimum level of physical performance, regardless of your age or your goals.

Stay Home Stay Strong,

Dr. Michael Gorman and the iMove PT team